Company and User Log-on Page

Tel: 800-952-5766   Fax: 800-870-6877

Company Number:  
Company Password:  
User ID:  
User Password:  

It is illegal to use someone elses User ID.

WARNING: System usage may be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit. Unauthorized use of the system is prohibited and subject to administrative, criminal, and civil penalties. California DMV requires that you keep a log of all records ordered for a period of two (2) years.

§1808.47 VC
Any person who has access to confidential or restricted [address] information from the department shall establish procedures to protect the confidentiality of those records. If any confidential or restricted information is released to any agent of a person authorized to obtain information, the person shall require the agent to take all steps necessary to ensure confidentiality and prevent the release of any information to a third party. No agent shall obtain or use any confidential or restricted records for any purpose other than the reason the information was requested.